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Crying in English has several meanings like weeping, sobbing, shedding tears, a loud inarticulate shout or scream but why do the tears flows out and what makes one cry.Crying is an implication of expressing distress, sorrow, anger, pain, happiness etc., One expresses its emotions and feelings through crying usually crying is considered as an emotional response of ones feeling.

THE PHRASE “HAVINGAGOODCRY” IMPLIES THAT CRYING CAN ACTUALLY MAKE YOU FEEL EMOTIONALLY AND PHYSICALLY bettertears are considered to be most beneficial weapon of women’s to manipulate and make one to do what they want. Teary eyes are more likely to survive and get their thought done and the most relevantexamples are small babies and kids.

Is it possible for oneself to cry forcefully, in this article one can discover “HOW TO MAKE YOURSELF CRY

Actors are not the only god of fake tears but generally people can also know how to make yourself cry, bringing fake tears in eyes is a skill and it’s not too difficult to master it.

Therefor one can learn tips and techniques to master How to make yourself cry.

  1. CATCH YOUR BODY LANGUAGE AND EMOTIONS WHEN YOU ARE CRYING ACTUALLY:  Catch yourself crying  and try to trap all your emotions on face, crying pitch, facial, expression, how body feels and when you have to  make yourself cry put all things together and screw yourface with this tip, you will exactly know how to make yourself cry.


  1. THINK OF SAD MOMENTS: Sometimes their occurs situation when you have to cry to express grievances but tears doesn’t flows down then think of sad things and moments  that happened with you already do it with concentration           


  1. RUB YOUREYES AND SNIFF SLOWLY: When you are distressed and want to cry to relieve yourself rub your eyes for a minute and sniff twice you will feel like crying and in few seconds tears will roll down on your cheeks this trick might need little practice and you will master how to make yourself cry.


  1. USEONIONS: When you really want to convince someone that you are crying grab onion slices quickly and take a whiff close to your eyes and you will find waterworks flow

Tears add beauty to the emotion but only real ones but certain situation demands tears to accomplish the objective.