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When Do Babies Start Teething?

When Do Babies Start Teething

Pregnancy is a very emotional and dramaticphase of every woman’s life and the moment you hold your baby in your hand it’s the most precious feeling in the world and your life changes. Seeing your baby grow is the most wonderful feeling which parents remember their life time that bald head, little hair, tiny fingers, smile with only gums and many more. But there are certain things that parents await for like when the baby will start sitting, rolling, walking and most importantly teething.

Let’s learn more about tiny toddlers world and when do babies start teething.

Teething is not an easy process for your baby and yourself. Teething is the process by which an infant’steeth, first teeth, milk teeth or deciduous teeth appears through the gums typically arriving in pairs, babies starts teething between the ages 4 to 6 months but for some it may be early or later. Some baby’s get those pearly white tooth after their first birthday some gets them very early by the age of 3 months only so appearance of teeth varies from babies to babies. Some dentists have noted family pattern of teething as early, average or late tethers.

Children who have not got their first tooth by the 18 months of their birth must be evaluated by the doctor, normally the first tooth to erupt is one of the lower central incisors whereas some children have pattern of the serial eruption of their teeth others may have multiple dental eruptions. As the tooth penetrates gums seems to be red and swollen, sometimes it project as red blister filled with fluid over an erupting tooth. Some children gets the complete set of their milk teeth by the age of 30 months.


  • Increased drooling and crying
  • Restlessness
  • Less sleep due to gum discomfort
  • Refusing food.
  • Fussiness
  • Mild Rash around the mouth
  • Rubbing the cheeks or ear regions due to the pain during the eruption of molars.
  • Low grade fever
  • Diarrhea


Babies always demands extra care and attention, they can chew even without teeth but lays difficulties of choking hazards, even when children have full set of teeth chances of choking are still high so it’s helpful to be mindful while they are sprouting their teeth.

How to calm teething babies

Teething babies face lot of fussiness and irritation due to which they are annoyed, mothers can follow below given tips to calm down their babies.

  • Chill some wet wash clothes or your child’stoy that’s comfortable for your baby to chew on, age appropriate, bpa free and nontoxic. Place some wet wash clothes in plastic food storage bag so they are always ready to use when required
  • Rubbing your babies gums with fingers, giving some pureed cold food for some cool drink may reduce the pain but if your baby does not seems to calm down then walkto your pediatrician for some medication.
  • Do not go for teethers to calm down teething soreness as tether are ingested with some fluids or gels which can be harmful if it is punctured in the mouth itself.

Premature and low birth weight babies may experience delays in tooth eruptions if your baby is not showing any sign of tooth poppingtill his first birthday then discuss it.

When do babies start teething is just not about eruption of teeth its also about babies diet, he or she would be able to eat more healthy food just by chewing itself which helps in gaining weight, strengthening of bones, more active, smart and all round development.

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