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Flu is also known as Influenza it’s a common viral infection that strikes your respiratory system- eyes, nose, throat and lungs. The body becomes weak and tired as flu is highly contagious and infectious. One must take proper rest and care to get rid offlu. The treatment includes increased consumption of liquids and activity modification.

Here is the list of few steps to learn about how to treat the flu.

GET SOME REST: It is the best way to treat flu, our body needs proper rest and care when it catches flu, going to school, attending office is possible with cold but the body needs rest to recover from influenza.

# As flu is infectious and contagious staying back home is considerate as immune system needs rest to build up and recover from flu.

#Keep your head elevated using an extra pillow to avoid difficulty in breathing.

CONSUME LIQUID: Catching flu easily or heating with fever can also be due to dehydration. One must be aware of How to treat the flu in such conditions.

#Drink hot liquid fluids like soup, warm water, coffee or tea as it may soothe your throat give some relief from nasal congestion and hydrate your body soon.

#Drink electrolyte solution to replenish your body.

#Keep your body neat and clean.

EAT HEALTHY FOOD: When body gets tired and infected it needs nutritious and healthy food to keep the immunity strong. Do not forget to include fruits in your diet as your body needs minerals and vitamins too.

TREAT ACHES AND FEVER: Very commonlyit’s important to know how to treat the flu as anounce of prevention is better than ponds of treatment, do not make late in taking medicines prescribed by your doctor

Here is the list of some common home supplies and steps one must know how to treat the flu before going to the doctor.

  • Use saline spray and clean handkerchief.
  • Hot bath steam will help loosen the clog in nasal passage.
  • Use vaporizer and humidifier in room.
  • Blow your nose often to keep your nose clean and avoid breathing difficulty.

One must see doctor immediately if condition gets severe and do not know how to the treat the flu. There are 100 types of viruses according to research and studies one must take annual flu vaccine shots to avoid severity of flu.